School of Rock – Week 8 – Melody

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. – Maya Angelou


  • I think that this week was good. We got a lot of work done and it was fun. We also learned that there is a new project starting soon.



  • Set a timer
  • Spend a total of 35 minutes in this ‘room.’
  • think about what she said and reflect
  • I think that it can be dwaning to think about a future right now. We really do not know where we will be in 10 years. I found that when she said you have to capture the genius it was very surprising. It makes me think what my genius is.



  • Yesterday when I was doing this blog it said that I had to have special access to the quizlet. so I emailed Mr La Duc and asked him to give me access he was very helpful and responded really quick.
  • I was able to be better about my time and what I do with my day. I got all my homework done by friday so I can go wakeboarding with my cousins.
  • I learned how to use soundtrap better.
  • I learned how to play power cords on the guitar.
  • I learned that if I buckle down i can get my work done by friday.

Developing Quality Workflow

What is Workflow?

Image Creative Workflow from,

Work•flow /ˈwərkflō/

“The sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.” –

What is a quality workflow?  How do we develop it?  Below are elements of the production cycle that most creative people move through as they create something.  First, we must identify the stages of project production. What is each stage and what are the quality checks for each stage.  Read on and find out!

Stages of Creation Development


How do we find ideas to develop?

  • I think helpful tools are the weekly videos that you make and youtube videos are also really helpful.
  • The process that we are using is slow, but in the end it all adds up. and I understand that you have process that we are working through. I thinks its slow because I thought we would be using are instummits as soon as we got them.
  • I think that we measure quality by looking at it and seeing how hard someone worked on their project.
  • The person who measures quality may be your teacher or may be yourself or your moms it all depends on where you are.


How do we clarify our specific goal(s) for a project?

  • I use Schoology because it has all of my work in there
  • You should sit down and do it yourself and then have someones look over it.
  • If you succeed at your goal then I think you and only you can measure your quality.
  • Your quality can be measured by your teacher.


How can we brainwrite, brainstorm, storyboard, and plan our ideas at this phase?

  • I think that we can use sound trap and that is really helpful because you make music and share with other people.
  • Start by working with a group, talk about it and a make a plan.
  • I think you can measure quality by how long did the job take and what did it take to get it done.
  • I think that your teacher or mom can choose how well the quality was done


How do we communicate with each other and execute our plan for this phase? This is where we actually make the project.

  • Texting,Zoom break out rooms and facetime/texting
  • Start in a group and expand your ideas with other people.
  • You can measure quality by asking your peers what they think.
  • You can decide what the quality is by having a teacher or your mom look at it.


How do we communicate with each other and execute our final stages of the project for this phase? This is where we publish the project.

  • Texting,Zoom break out rooms and facetime.
  • Run it through Mr La Duc see what he thinks and then show the class.
  • You can measure quality by what the teacher thinks and feedback from your peers.
  • Yourself and and your moms and your teachers measure quality.


How do we share our project with our learning community, advisory members, and the world?

  • We can use zoom and screen share and show people what we did.
  • we can make a list of presenters and decide who goes first.
  • Have the class take a vote to decide whose work is best
  • The class and your teacher and your moms can decide how good the quality is.

School of Rock – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms

CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


  • It was a fun week and I’m glad that we started on Soundtrap. I have already made four songs and can’t wait to see what I can do in the future.


  • Other instrumentalists
    • Find an interesting and effective YouTube channel and playlist for training
    • Link that playlist here and write a brief description about the tutorials and the channel


Image of Gordon Hempton
Image by Richard Darbonne, © All Rights Reserved.
  • I listened to Washingtonian Gordon Hempton’s interview: Silence and the Presence of Everything. It was very relaxing to me and I appreciated hearing his perspective on nature. I like the sounds that he got recorded inside of trees.


  • To me it’s amazing on how diverse music is. It’s really cool that we have access to so many different kinds of songs. I personally like rock but enjoy all kinds of music.


  • My nemesis right now is Covid 19. I am battling against feeling isolated because Covid has put us in a quarantine. I miss hanging out with my friends and talking in real life instead of in Zoom or Facetime.


  • Set a timer
  • Spend up to 30 minutes in this ‘room’
  • Start expert training here, 
  • Soundtrap is supper fun

Recipe For Success: Dwayne Johnson

born May 2, 1972 Birthday and Birthplace (

Personal Success Definition

In America people often think of success as being wealthy with things like a big house and fancy cars.  Wealthy people may own a lot of property. In my opinion successful people should make better decisions for the environment and for their community and they spend their money wisely.  I think that if they are donating a lot of money that it is okay to splurge on themselves too. 

I think what defines being successful is also having a healthy relationship with your family by balancing work and family time.   Healthy families don’t go to bed mad at each other, they trust each other, and can be there for each other.   

For people to be successful they need to work hard and earn their position because it shouldn’t just get handed to you.  There is a difference between just being rich and being successful.  

Successful people have respect and accountability from their community.   Sometimes this is because they help others out such as volunteering or donating money.  

I think Dwayne Johnson is successful because he worked hard working his way up from being a wrestler to being one of the highest paid actors.   He donates a lot of his money to charities.   He started his own charity called The Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation.   His charity helps troubled kids and sick kids.   He does this by doing physical activities and encouraging them to stay physically and mentally healthy.   (

Dwayne Johnson thinks about others besides himself.   He likes to help others.   He is famous for working with Make-A-Wish as well as many others charities that focus on helping kids and with health.  (

Dwayne Johnson seems to have a good relationship with his family.   His family includes his wife Lauren who is a musician and song producer  (  He has three children Simone, Jasmine, and Tiana.  On the website the article says he is adorably in love with his family.  

Skills for SuccessDwayne Johnson has lots of skills.  He is a big guy and one skill is playing football. When he was in college at University of Miami he played football and they won the national championship.   He later donated two million dollars to the school.   (

He is one of the best wrestlers that ever lived.   This started his career as an actor.   I like him as an actor because he is funny and has a likable personality.   He is famous for being in the Fast and Furious, Jumanji, and Moana along with many others.  

He is also successful because he makes people feel good.  He does inspirational speeches every other morning on Instagram.   His Instagram posts are really positive things.  

How He Used These Skills

He used his fame to bring joy to others.   He did this by using his money and fame to support others, motivating them, making them feel good, and helping  people less fortunate by helping his community out with his money.   

He uses his athletic skills to train others and get in physical fit and encourages  kids to work out instead of play video games.   (

Challenges Overcome

Dwayne Johnson had to overcome depression. He got kicked off the professional football team and was forced to move back in with his parents with only seven dollars in his pocket.  Now he is worth over 140 million dollars.  When he was depressed he sulked on the couch for two weeks.  After that he looked for other opportunities.  He made a career change  and became a super star in wrestling and is now one the highest paid actor according to USA Today.

Another thing that Dwayne Johnson had to recently get over is Covid-19.  He and his whole family got the virus and overcame it.   He using his Instagram feed to warning people that this isn’t about politics and reminding them to wear a mask.    

Significant Work

 Dwayne Johnson: The Speech That Will Fix Your Mindset About LIFE (The Rock 2019) – MOTIVATION 

Sometimes you get noked down and you have to come back evan stronger i






Recipe For Success: Dwayne Johnson

born May 2, 1972 Birthday and Birthplace (

Personal Success Definition

In America people often think of success as being wealthy with things like a big house and fancy cars.  Wealthy people may own a lot of property. In my opinion successful people should make better decisions for the environment and for their community and they spend their money wisely.  I think that if they are donating a lot of money that it is okay to splurge on themselves too. 

I think what defines being successful is also having a healthy relationship with your family by balancing work and family time.   Healthy families don’t go to bed mad at each other, they trust each other, and can be there for each other.   

For people to be successful they need to work hard and earn their position because it shouldn’t just get handed to you.  There is a difference between just being rich and being successful.  

Successful people have respect and accountability from their community.   Sometimes this is because they help others out such as volunteering or donating money.  

I think Dwayne Johnson is successful because he worked hard working his way up from being a wrestler to being one of the highest paid actors.   He donates a lot of his money to charities.   He started his own charity called The Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation.   His charity helps troubled kids and sick kids.   He does this by doing physical activities and encouraging them to stay physically and mentally healthy.   (

Dwayne Johnson thinks about others besides himself.   He likes to help others.   He is famous for working with Make-A-Wish as well as many others charities that focus on helping kids and with health.  (

Dwayne Johnson seems to have a good relationship with his family.   His family includes his wife Lauren who is a musician and song producer  (  He has three children Simone, Jasmine, and Tiana.  On the website the article says he is adorably in love with his family.  

Skills for SuccessDwayne Johnson has lots of skills.  He is a big guy and one skill is playing football. When he was in college at University of Miami he played football and they won the national championship.   He later donated two million dollars to the school.   (

He is one of the best wrestlers that ever lived.   This started his career as an actor.   I like him as an actor because he is funny and has a likable personality.   He is famous for being in the Fast and Furious, Jumanji, and Moana along with many others.  

He is also successful because he makes people feel good.  He does inspirational speeches every other morning on Instagram.   His Instagram posts are really positive things.  

How He Used These Skills

He used his fame to bring joy to others.   He did this by using his money and fame to support others, motivating them, making them feel good, and helping  people less fortunate by helping his community out with his money.   

He uses his athletic skills to train others and get in physical fit and encourages  kids to work out instead of play video games.   (

Challenges Overcome

Dwayne Johnson had to overcome depression. He got kicked off the professional football team and was forced to move back in with his parents with only seven dollars in his pocket.  Now he is worth over 140 million dollars.  When he was depressed he sulked on the couch for two weeks.  After that he looked for other opportunities.  He made a career change  and became a super star in wrestling and is now one the highest paid actor according to USA Today.

Another thing that Dwayne Johnson had to recently get over is Covid-19.  He and his whole family got the virus and overcame it.   He using his Instagram feed to warning people that this isn’t about politics and reminding them to wear a mask.    

Significant Work

 Dwayne Johnson: The Speech That Will Fix Your Mindset About LIFE (The Rock 2019) – MOTIVATION 

Sometimes you get noked down and you have to come back evan stronger i




